Hotel NH Imperial Playa |
- Recommended hotels (special rates) and maps
- Transportation from the airport to the city (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria):
- The city has good bus/taxi service and is also walkable.
Register here. Registration Fee: €350.
- ID Card and Passport Number: only needed if personal receipt is requested
- VAT: only needed if invoice for the institution is requested
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Please, contact your ERASMUS Office at your home institution to check how to prepare an application. At the same time, please, let us know that you’re willing to apply and what project you’d like to work on and your motivation to come in an email to
Juan Ruiz Alzola, Maria Dolores Afonso Suarez, Asmaa Skareb.
In order to prepare the application:
- Mention 33rd NAMIC Project Week as the event motivating the mobility.
- The host center is Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones y Electrónica (EITE) at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).
- The supervisor at the host center is Prof. Ruiz-Alzola, Professor of Imaging Technologies.
- The academic authority signing on behalf the host center is Prof. Félix Tobajas, Subdirector de Estudiantes, Movilidad y Prácticas Externas,
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación y Electrónica (Mobility Deputy Director, Telecommunication and Electrical Engineering School),
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
- Once properly prepared and signed the application at the applicant’s home institution, it should be sent by email to: SempeEite
- The application will be processed by the host center and the outcome will be reported in a few days.
Frequently Asked Questions