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ePAD/Slicer Bridge and Segmentation Plugin
Key Investigators
- Emel Alkim (Stanford University)
- Steve Pieper (Isomics)
Project Description
Open dockerized Slicer from ePad, open segmentation plugin and save the segmetation back to ePad
- Trigger openning dockerized Slicer from ePad
- Open the series in Slicer
- Open segmentation plugin
- Send the segmentation back to dicomweb server
Approach and Plan
- Leverage the work done in Boston hackfest 2016 and update it to align with new dicomweb server
- Trigger Slicer CIP plugin
- Get the segmentations back
Progress and Next Steps
- Update SlicerChronicle to python3 and Slicer 4.11
- Generalize plan to work with locally running Slicer with Chronicle enabled (same code will work with cloud Slicer with or without docker container)
- Update json job request file format
- Test with local dicomweb-server
- Add a button to ePad to trigger Slicer using Slicer Chronicle
- Generate Slicer Chronicle JSON to trigger CIP and send to segmentation-server

Background and References
[Previous integration work in Boston Hackfest 2016] (