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OHIF Slicer Bridge
Key Investigators
- Steve Pieper (Isomics)
- Andras Lasso (Queen’s University, Canada)
- James Petts
- Mark Asselin
- Kyle Sunderland
- Csaba Pinter
Project Description
Brainstorm and prototype synergies between the projects.
Possible scenarios:
- “Segmentation overdrive”
- view studies with OHIF accessing dicomweb
- perform annotation with OHIF
- launch Slicer instance with same study loaded (transfer segmentation work-in-progress)
- continue segmentation with Slicer Segment Editor
- transfer results back to dicomweb server and continue review in OHIF
- Other use cases?
Define use cases and explore implementation options.
Possible implementation plan:
- use OHIF authenticated to google dicomweb
- add “overdrive” button
- launches containerized slicer compute instance
- passes in path to study, slocer downloads and loads the data ready to segment
- opens new tab to slicer vnc
- user can push segmentation results back to same study via dicomweb
List other requirements:
- reasonable performance launching and using cloud slicer for segmentation
- secured connection to Slicer
- lossless data transfer (especially about segmentation semantics)
Approach and Plan
- Discuss and document use cases (e.g. exposing Slicer modules as services instead of vnc)
- Evaluate alternative implementations and requirements (running local, using aws, etc)
- See what projects might take advantage of this capability
Progress and Next Steps
- Significant discussion to build on previous project week work with additional use cases:
- Generalized from OHIF to other launch options (see Kheops, Mevis, and ePad projects).
- Generalized to running local Slicer in addition to option of launching cloud instances
- Performed testing with dicomweb-server DICOMweb interfaces
- Implemented downloading of DICOM data to local Slicer from browser using dicomweb from a url:
Registry key to associate Slicer application with "slicer://" custom URL
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="URL:Slicer Slicer Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\D\\S\\SNW\\Slicer-build\\Slicer.exe\" \"%1\""

- Implemented OHIF extension to start google VM running Slicer container (WIP implementation) for presentation at NAC meeting

Background and References